Trainerroad sweet spot base
Trainerroad sweet spot base

The weekends are really tough if you ask me. I didn’t think I could do them, but when it came to it, I lived with the pain for the 18 minutes and could grit it out.

trainerroad sweet spot base

I couldn’t help but look forward to the last weeks intervals, 6x3mins at 120% with dread. The 2 minutes were 45 seconds at 120%, then slowly reducing to 110% until the end of the interval (see above – Mills). The next week was 6×1 minute at 120% 3 times. The intervals weren’t long enough to bite and my trainer often shortens intervals by 3 seconds anyway, so it was all pretty easy. I don’t have much experience with them, but the first week was fine with 14×30 seconds at 120% FTP repeated 3 times. Sweet Spot Base 2 has VO2 intervals on Tuesday evenings. That should make it possible to complete the plan.

trainerroad sweet spot base

That led me to see that I was pushing it too hard for early January, so I decided to cut back on my weekend running and skip the easy midweek ride. The problem was that on Sunday my legs were toast, so I switched from the planned 90 minute Kaweah to the easier and shorter 60 minute Kawaeh -2. I pretty stupidly decided to run for 15km on Saturday before my harder 90min session, so swapped it for the easier Sunday session (which also felt very hard). The first week started off fairly easily with 4 Sweet Spot workouts planned with one easier session during the week. I felt that that was too high, so after 2 weeks mainly off over Christmas, I set my FTP to 310w and started the Sweet Spot Base 2. After completing Sweet Spot Base I before Christmas, I had tested my FTP at 330w.

Trainerroad sweet spot base